
Megan Rhone

  • Fire history and ant seed dispersal in the New Jersey Pinelands
  • The relative importance of rodents and ants to soil turn-over in the New Jersey Pinelands



Zack_field work.JPG

Zack Cook

  • Heavy metal pollution across an urbanization gradient in South Jersey


 Picture1Alexa Martinelli

  •  Thermal tolerance and ecological performance of Wooly Bear caterpillars
  • Arthropod and mycorrhizal diversity across pollution gradients in South Jersey




Danielle Genay

  • Human food inputs and the nutritional ecology of urban ants



nia_pettys-islandNia Nikolaidis

  • Ecosystem services of ants across an urbanization gradient in South Jersey
  • DIY microscopes as an engaging tool for science outreach




Taylor Sims

  • Thermal ecology of pavement ants across an urban stress gradient